Blocks on the Move
Blocks on the Move is an outreach program of our Guild. It is moved from place to place in order to bring the joy of quilts to everyone in our community. This display has been placed in public venues such as galleries, museums, libraries, and care facilities for residents of and visitors to Stanislaus County to enjoy.
The blocks - or mini-quilts - are made by guild members and donated to the Guild for display. If you would like to add a block to the project, these are the specifications.
Your mini-quilt for Blocks on the Move should be 16 to 16 1/2 inches square, layered, quilted and bound. It needs to have a 2 inch sleeve on the back. Each one should have a label on the back containing this information: name of quilter or maker and quilter, city, state, and date. You can make as many as you want. Just have fun.